Is Unifund CCR or First Resolution Garnishing You?

Has Unifund CCR Partners or First Resolution Investment Corporation* garnished your wages or bank account? If so, chances are very good that Unifund has taken money from you that it has no legal right to recover from you. We can help you get that money back in addition to up to $1,000.00 in statutory damages.
Call or Email Us for a Free Consultation
(502) 895-1144
Who is Unifund CCR Partners?
Unifund is a third-party “debt buyer.” It does not lend money or originate credit like credit card companies and banks. It doesn’t make or produce anything. Instead, it buys defaulted accounts from original creditors like Bank of America, FIA card services, Capital One, Chase, Providian, Synchrony Bank and other creditors. Debt buyers are also considered debt collectors and have to comply with the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Unifund is very active in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We have recently discovered that Unifund has a pattern and practice of adding fees and costs to garnishments that it has no legal right to recover. And Unifund still garnishes and enforces judgments with usurious interest of 24% or more. This is unlawful.
Ways in which Unifund and FRIC may be Violating Federal Law
It is an express violation of the FDCPA for a debt collector to collect more on a debt than is legally owed on the debt. If Unifund violated the FDCPA by garnishing your wages or bank account, we can sue Unifund under the FDCPA on your behalf at no cost to you. We can represent you for no cost because under the FDCPA, Unifund has to pay our fees and costs if we win or settle with Unifund. We are so confident of our ability to get a judgment or settlement against Unifund and at least $1,000.00 for you, that we are happy to take this risk.
Please call or email us today to see if we can help you recover what Unifund or FRIC took from you illegally plus $1,000.00 in statutory damages.
*Unifund purchased all of FRIC’s assets in 2015.